Beach Adventure Gone Wrong – Part 3

We packed up and headed back on our 5-odd hour drive back to Adelaide, on what should be a relatively straight forward trip home. After we had driven for about an hour, when i heard an almighty crash and suddenly could see nothing out the windscreen.

No, A bird had not flown straight through the windscreen. No, a meteor had not fallen out of the sky and hit the 4WD, and aliens hadn’t abducted me either.

BUT as I jammed on the brakes, desperately hoping there was no car/ cow/ obstruction on the road in front of me, I realised that the car bonnet had come loose, caught the wind and flown up to smash into the windscreen.

Fortunately, with a little bit of jury rigging (AKA Simon MacGyver), with a hammer and a bit of wire, I was able to “re-secure” the car bonnet and limped the car back to Adelaide, albeit with a cracked windscreen and a bent up car bonnet.

As you can imagine, I wasn’t received warmly by my boss. He was less than thrilled with the damage on the car, particularly considering his lack of insurance on his car. I spent the next week sourcing and installing a new car bonnet and windscreen.

Although, the holiday was a great time away with friends, I could have really done without these three initial tragic travel events. Perhaps I should have realised that this was a harbinger for many future Tragic Travel calamities to come.

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Tragic Travels shares the tragically funny travel stories of yester-year along with travel tips, tricks, ideas and suggestions. Having the “misfortune” of being a tragic traveller more times than can be remembered we’ll be sharing many, possibly too ridiculous, Tragic Travel stories along with contributions from various guests. 
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